RE: Dear MIMSters: Help! How Do I Get Back At My Moralist Husband?

Thank you MIM for allowing a confused woman like me to share my story about my moralist husband via your platform, I am grateful. I implore you to please publish this sequel to my story for me, too.
So, after you published my story on your page (read here) and I saw how majority of your readers reacted to it, I summoned courage and showed the post to Tayo. The silly man hasn’t stopped laughing at me since last night. He said he loves your page
Can you believe it? He said he loves your page so my own ‘pain’ has gained MIM a new reader. I just hope MIM readers are ready for ‘insane’ counsels… lol.
READ ALSO: Dear MIMSters: I Am A Blessed Woman Who Believes Her Story Will Inspire You
Let me also appreciate everyone who spoke to me through their comments on my initial post. May God bless you all.
Most of you found my post hilarious and that made me see the lighter part of my issue. Truth be told, I felt terrible after reading your comments and I said to myself, “people have more serious issues facing them in their marriages and there you are, talking about Telemundo.” Forgive me if you share that sentiment, too. Thank you!
READ ALSO: Dear MIMSters: I Am A Blessed Woman Who Believes Her Story Will Inspire You (2)
Having said that, I want to sincerely address a comment that advised me to walk away from my marriage. When I saw that comment, I screamed! For what now?! Is that how we advise people to just up and leave their marriages? I did not say he was abusing me emotionally or physically now.
You see, when two people have a misunderstanding, each person will tell the story the way it would favour them. If Tayo had been the one who wrote to MIM seeking counsel, would he have also have been counseled to walk out of his marriage?
READ ALSO: Dear MIMSters: Help!!! My Marriage Thrives Only On Social Media
Thanks to those who found it funny. Their comments helped me look inwards and I realized I wouldn’t have wanted Tayo to do what I did to him to me, too. Let me confess fully here now, his grouse was not just that I did not notice his coming home (which in itself is bad) but that I hadn’t even gone through Toke and Sope’s school work before settling down to watch Telemundo.
Isn’t he justified?
Like I wrote, my husband has never laid his hands on our daughters, and definitely not on me. Tayo is too straight forward (I find it irritating sometime though) such that I can boast anywhere that he is a good man who respects me and what we have. Tayo was raised in a home where family comes first. He is transparent with his finances, his movements and all he does. The only major issue I have with him is that he thinks being a moralist suffices for being a christian.
READ ALSO: Dear MIMSters: Help!!! My Marriage Thrives Only On Social Media. Part 2
Please aunty, let us softly softly tell people to walk out of their marriages o… so long as they are not being physically, mentally and/or emotionally abused. Even at that, it’s not always in our places to tell them categorically what to do. We may show them the danger of not walking out of an abusive marriage but we must respect them enough to do the right thing at the right time.
Anyways, the good news is that after seeing MIM readers’ comments, Tayo released the remote controls to me but the irony of it is that I have seen enough of Telemundo to last me a lifetime. I may just sneak in once in a while. #winks.
Thank you everyone. Thank you MIM. You guys rock!