Dear MIMsters: Be Mindful Of What You Crave For, Don’t Be Fooled By The Pomp and Pageantry

As I watched the pomp and pageantry surrounding the swearing in of the new governor; serenaded by his wife, children, family, friends, supporters, well-wishers, and political associates, I shook my head. I shook my head because I could see the joy on the faces of the first family, the kind of joy that would make some ignorant people question God, asking Him if their own day of glory would ever come.
Only if people would be mindful of what they wish for. Do you see all those celebrations you witnessed on television and on social media?! That’s exactly where it ends. The pains and hurts would not be aired for you to see. You would see their fancy robes but would not see what it hides. Well, I know because I have been there. Let me share my story with you.
A new governor had just been sworn in in my husband’s state and as a technocrat, the governor invited him to join his government. He told him his expertise was needed and that it was time for him to come back home to give back to society. We were settled in the states, the children were in school and all was going well with us. We were a Christian family who served God wholeheartedly; giving to God’s work home and abroad and helping the needy. People insinuated that that was probably God’s way of compensating us but deep down within me, I felt some kind of unsettling that I couldn’t place my hands on.
I told Olumi to allow me pray more about it and he agreed. I think when the pressure from the governor became too much for him, he confessed that I hadn’t given him my consent to accept the offer. The governor then got his wife to speak with me. Let me state here that the first lady was someone I loved and respected, she was gracious and I had always admired her from a distance, even before her husband became the state governor.
After speaking with me and assuring me that she would ensure the governor prioritize our safety and comfort, I agreed and we started to make preparations to move back home.
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We had four children but lost one in the early years of our marriage. It was a very sad period for me. As a mother, the safety of my children is the major reason I held on so tightly to God. I know my heart cannot bear the loss of another child so in every decision I make, the comfort and safety of my children comes first.
Olumi was the first to relocate to Nigeria because our last child was just settling down in high school. Our eldest child was going into college while the middle one was rounding off at high school. We agreed that I would get the children settled in and from time to time; breeze in to check on their welfare. It was a very tough decision for me to make but I had to also support my husband.
Olumi became a commissioner. From the day I arrived Nigeria, though we lived in the same house, we hardly had time for each other. That is me putting it mildly but I’m sure you get the drift. My consolation was traveling to see my children every other week; and that is if the first lady doesn’t have engagements for me to attend or represent her.
Due to these engagements, we also drifted away from church commitments and it became more difficult to pray. When I discussed this concern with Olumi when we had time together, he told me Nigeria was not the States, that there are many pastors who with some cash; would intercede for us and we would be able to face our assignments diligently. He said it didn’t matter who was praying, as long as someone was, God would continue to be with us.
The governor was on seat for two terms and Olumi was with him almost till the end. During these two terms, the first family lost a child, two commissioners closest to Olumi also lost a child each. I couldn’t wrap my head around what was happening but I was just too restless in my spirit. One of the prayer contractors Olumi got to intercede for us approached me to give him my children’s photos so that he could add them to his prayers and I told him I would send them later.
Oh! I serve a merciful God. No matter what, women, even if your husband is far from God, please do not be far from God. He is faithful and merciful. That night, I had a dream. In that dream, I saw some of the government officials dropping their children’s photos in a basket and I saw someone shaking the basket and randomly picking from it. Any photo picked would be burnt and the process would be repeated. I recognized one of the photos burnt as one of the children who had died the previous week. I woke up sweating and crying. What is this?
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Of course, Olumi was not at home so there was none to discuss with. I cried to God to help me and I got up and went about the day’s job.
The following week, Olumi asked me for the children’s photos. He said the prayer contractors needed them to add our children to their intercession routine. I would have shared my concerns with him but one of the prayer contractors was sitting beside him when he asked me. I told him I couldn’t get the photos and would get across to the children to email them to me. Of course, I had their photos but the dream was too real for me to ignore.
The next day, unlike Olumi who hardly spoke to the children since he resumed as a commissioner, my daughter told me her dad called to ask for their photos. I told her to hold on until I told her otherwise. That weekend, I flew down to the states and led my children in prayers. I bless God that right from when they were little, I had taught them in the way of the Lord so they all have personal relationships with Him. God so good, the Holy Spirit had ministered to them too and though they said they couldn’t pinpoint the issue, they knew they needed to pray more and follow God’s leading.
In furtherance, I sought our pastor in the states and I shared my burden with him. He prayed with me and counseled me. Afterwards, he released me unto his wife’s care and asked her to stay in active touch with me. He also gave me the name of a Nigerian pastor who would be praying with my family in Nigeria.
Summer of that year, the children came down to Nigeria for their holidays and were invited to a function that was held for top government officials’ children. My children refused to eat at the function because we were waiting on the Lord then but they couldn’t stop the photographers from taking them. In fact, they said one of the photographers insisted on taking personal photos of each of them. That was where they almost got me but for God.
I need to pause now because I can’t hold back my tears…
(Continues in Part 2)