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Nigerian Doctor Recalls A ‘Strange Request’ She Received From Her Cousin Who Struggled With Infertility For Years

Nigerian Doctor Recalls A ‘Strange Request’ She Received From Her Cousin Who Struggled With Infertility For Years

A Nigerian medical doctor, Obiama Onya, has taken to Facebook to recount a weird request she received from her cousin who struggled with infertility.

According to Onya, her cousin who was finding it difficult to have children visited a pastor for solution to her problem and was asked to bring a maternity gown belonging to a relative who had no problems having children.

After the visit to the pastor, the cousin came to her to ask for her maternity gown but she declined and the cousin took offense and left.

Below is her full post:

READ ALSO: Struggling With Infertility? These Facts Might Just Put Your Mind At Ease

“That same cousin of mine-two decades ago- made a strange request of me sometime ago. Apparently she was finding it difficult to have children so she visited a pastor who advised her to bring a maternity gown belonging to to a relative who had no problems having children.

So she came to visit me and asked me for it. I found it odd as it sounded fetish and refused to give her my maternity gown. So she took offense and left. Good riddance!

I still wonder till this day what true Man of God would make such a request. Abi na dibia she been visit?”

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Reacting to the post:

@marymag wrote:

It’s a strange request no doubt but then again, there were some strange requests in the bible as well. However, as believers this is why we have the person of the Holy Spirit to guide us in to all truth and grant us discernment. This is why we also have counsellors who have more experience than us and can also guide us.

Maternity gown is symbolic and would seem to me as passing the mantle/grace of child-bearing to her.. Her choice in coming to you was a way of her honoring the grace and faithfulness of God in your life and marriage, so the pastor could have been inspired to lead her to some one God wants to glorify in her family.

It also would have made her indebted to you even though as Christians we do things for God not for rewards or recompense. I also believe it would have established a life-long friendship between both of you. But I say all this on the premise that you are a believer who no longer lives in fear but by faith and that you have grown ro know how to hear God concerning matters.

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We do not make decisions out of fear of the enemy or do things out of emotion , manipulation or self-will. We make decisions and do things according to the knowledge of God’s will. So if it meant praying for days or months before knowing what God wants you to do, please take your time.

And if God says, No, you will also respectfully decline. I hope God has opened your cousinss womb, if not please pray for her and pray to know God’s will concerning it. God works in ways that if only we can discern, his ways are Perfect.


That’s never a true servant of God, they are con men who take advantage of people’s desperation. Don’t ever be too desperate for something till the extent it affects your reason-ability otherwise you will end up in regrets.


That sounds like what my cousin who is a fake pastor would do. He will be claiming it’s spiritual mystery.

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