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5 Harmful Things To Avoid During Pregnancy

5 Harmful Things To Avoid During Pregnancy

The moment you discover that you are pregnant, your maternal instincts kicks in and all you want to do is protect your baby, well, in most cases. You start eating right and trying to stay safe as you become prone to injury. Adding to your already long list of harmful things to avoid are the following:

  • Avoid second hand smoke

Second hand smoke is smoke that an active smoker breathes out. When pregnant, inhaling this can be very detrimental to your baby’s health. If you have a partner or a job that puts you in the company of a smoker, it would be wise to either stay away or avoid contact with that person or job. Cigarettes contain lead, cadmium and arsenic, tobaccos and nicotine. LiveScience reports that children exposed to second hand smoke from the womb are at a higher risk of developing attention and aggression problems by the age of five.

  • Avoid anti-depressants if you can

Pregnancy is a period that weighs heavily on your emotions. The use of anti-depressants however, is linked to a higher risk of miscarriages, birth defects, preterm delivery and behavioral problems, including autism. A treatment involving counselling therapy should be the first line of depression treatment in pregnant women. If you however do need to take medication, talk with your doctor first.

  • Get enough vitamin D

A study conducted at the University of Calgary suggests that pregnant women who have low levels of sunshine vitamin, are at a risk of having babies with  gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia and lower birth weight. Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus from food, and in children, promotes immense bone development. Due to the fact that children cannot be exposed to sunlight at infancy, pregnant women are encouraged to have their vitamin D levels checked by doctors.

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  • Avoid processed meats

During pregnancy, you should eat more natural foods than processed foods. Avoid meats like hot dogs and canned foods. Doing this will greatly reduce your risk of food borne illness, which is twice as dangerous to your baby than to you. Always wash all fruits or vegetables before eating.

  • Guard against air pollution

Air pollution caused by traffic, industry and even dust during pregnancy may slightly increase the risk that a baby will be born at a lower birth weight. Not also forgetting the damage it might have on the mother’s lungs and her baby. Increasing intake of fruits and vegetables during pregnancy helps to fight against the effects of air borne pollution.

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