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6 Ways to Avoid The Belly Bulge This Holiday

6 Ways to Avoid The Belly Bulge This Holiday

Turkey, ham, dressing, potatoes, pies – oh my! The holidays can bring the best foods but the aftermath may not be as delightful. Before you indulge this holiday season, make sure you check out these six ways to avoid the holiday belly bulge.


Incorporate foods that are high in fiber like broccoli, asparagus, celery, avocado, tomato, snow peas, spinach and beans. The fiber can help reduce bloating in your belly and improve your digestion.


Drink plenty of water. Drinking the recommended two to three liters a day will keep your body working at optimal level – which will prevent your body from holding onto excessive fat because of stress hormones. Stress hormones cause your body to store fat in the abdominal region. Staying hydrated will improve your digestion and will help you feel fuller for longer after meals.


Make an effort to exercise regularly. Take small steps and add to your routine as you progress. Find a constructive way to exercise that makes you feel good about yourself and doesn’t feel like such a chore.


Try to avoid heavy carbs such as bagels and pasta. Decreasing the carbs in your diet, can make your body access stored carbohydrates called glycogen and burn them off, while also eliminating excess stored fluids.

Trim back on your daily carbs by having eggs for breakfast, and packing protein rich snacks such as turkey slices, low fat string cheese, seeds, and nuts into your regular daily diet.

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Drinking milk can cause you to feel bloated. Avoid drinking milk with your breakfast or your Grandma’s famous chocolate chip cookies. The bloating caused by milk can last for long periods of time because of the natural fats that are found in milk.


Lay off the Tabacco, barbecue sauce, and garlic during the holidays. Spicy foods stimulate the release of stomach acid, causing irritation. If you want flavor try fresh or dried herbs such as dill, basil, mint, sage, tarragon, and rosemary. Avoid black pepper, nutmeg, cloves, chili powder, onions, mustard, horseradish, and acidic foods such as catsup, tomato sauce, and vinegar.

Source: beliefnet

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