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Woman Gives Birth In Internet Cafe Toilet, Heads Back To Computer

Woman Gives Birth In Internet Cafe Toilet, Heads Back To Computer

A Chinese woman, Xiao Li, 24, reportedly gave birth in the toilets of an internet cafe, and returned to her computer to continue surfing the net while still covered in blood.

According to MailOnline, a cleaner discovered her with her newborn baby and the umbilical cord still attached, and immediately called an ambulance at about 4am.

However, instead of waiting for the paramedics to arrive, the new mother came out of the toilets carrying the baby and went straight back to her computer to the shock of customers and staff, the People’s Daily Online reported.

The cleaner told a local TV station: ‘There was a lot of blood. It totally blocked the toilet. She initially just stood there shaking and covered in blood but then she sat down and continued surfing.’

She said she tried to wipe the blood off Ms Li, but she refused her help.

CCTV footage from the internet cafe shows the mother coming out of the toilets at the top of the frame.

When the paramedics arrived, the new mother refused to be carried out in a stretcher but walked to the ambulance herself.

Ms Li said she had previously left home because of a family dispute.

However, she was actually on her way home in Shandong province when she stopped off in Nanchang in search of a hotel room. She had to go to an internet cafe instead because a pickpocket had taken her money.

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She said: ‘I was on the bus on my way home. My money was stolen on the bus and this left me with just 30 yuan (£3) so I couldn’t afford a room at a hotel.’

Speaking about her ex-boyfriend, who is the baby’s father, she said: ‘The father is from Shandong and he works in Jiangsu. When I was two months pregnant I took my former boyfriend to see my parents but I felt he didn’t really want to be with me.’

As she did not have the money to pay for medical treatment, the hospital covered the cost for her. Nurses also provided her with food and clean clothes.

Ms Li says her ex-boyfriend and family will visit her in hospital and help her to come up with a plan for the future.

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