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6 Tips For A Successful Bedtime Routine

6 Tips For A Successful Bedtime Routine

A healthy bedtime routine paves the way for a good night’s sleep for your child, and children who get plenty of rest are more likely to manage their behavior and their emotions.

Here are some tips for establishing a truly effective bedtime routine that can reduce bedtime arguments and improve your child’s sleep habits:

1. Set a clear starting time. Have your child start the bedtime routine 30 minutes to an hour before bed. If your child is ready for bed early, read an extra story or two until it’s time for bed.

2. Create a simple routine. A bedtime routine should be simple and predictable. A child who understands the steps to his routine can begin to follow through with each step independently.  Keep it to just a few simple steps and perform them in the same order each night.

3. Avoid stressful activities. The bedtime routine shouldn’t include activities that could cause more stress – such as asking your child to pack his backpack for school. Otherwise, a forgotten homework could lead to panic right before bedtime which could wreak havoc on your child’s sleep. Perform any tasks that may cause stress at least an hour or two before bedtime.

4. Include relaxing activities. A warm bath and a few bedtime stories are just a few strategies that can help your child wind down. When performed repeatedly, a calming bedtime routine will help your child’s body recognize when it’s time for sleep.

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5. Shut off electronics early. Although a movie or a video game might seem like a good way to help your child relax, using them before bed can actually keep your child awake. The bright lights from screens will interfere with your child’s bedtime brain chemistry. Make shutting off the electronics at least 30 minutes to an hour before bed part of your child’s bedtime routine.

6. Keep it consistent. While it may be tempting to let your child stay up late to watch his favorite show one night a week, changing the routine could be harmful. The more consistent you can make the bedtime routine, the more effective it will be. Try to keep the bedtime routine – and your child’s sleep schedule – as consistent as possible, even on the weekends or during school vacations.


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