PHOTO: Check Out IK Ogbonna’s Wife’s Tummy 8 Weeks Postpartum

Sonia took to her IG page to share this photo of her bare belly two months after giving birth and the message below.
She wrote: “It must always pay off!!!! It’s a shame how many times I was “warned” by different women “not to expect to see the same body after pregnancy” like it’s a sin. At the beginning of my pregnancy journey they got me terrified, but then I got to understand few things…
Don’t let people that gave up on themselves discourage you. You can be a mom and look better than ever. You don’t need to settle for not feeling good in your skin.
Your self-confidence is so important to me! I’m getting millions of messages and pictures of ladies showing me their post-pregnancy bodies, telling me I motivated them and you guys make my day.Too many strong, beautiful, stunning women! Nobody and nothing can steal your shine away! I salute each of you!!! You motivate me as well!!
Don’t let anyone make you feel like you are not in control of any segment of your life, like it’s “simply the way it must be”. No!! People that are too lazy to make changes in their lives will make you feel like there is nothing you can do to improve your life and if you dare to do so they will try to bring you down like being a mom isn’t a blessing but an excuse to give up on yourself. Don’t let people that never tried convince you that is not possible!!!! This IS NOT ABOUT SO CALLED BEAUTY STANDARDS (as long as u find yourself appealing others will follow your example), nether physical appearance, but about challenging yourself to get the best out of you and to take your life into your hands until you look at yourself and say “Im proud of this stunning woman!” Feeling is priceless! Whatever is that you want, GO GET IT NOW!! You owe yourself that much!!!#8weeksPostPartum
This is great.
Beautiful tommy.
This is greatly inspiring. She’s very right. Impossibility lies in the dictionary of the lazy ones.
Well said good for her
Waist training things good for her
Woah so adorable…
wow,thats good of u,i love it
Good for her
Yea that’s true dear. Am with you on this. Nice one. Keep it up.
Like the doubting thomas that I am, its a pity I can’t see her face to face to comfirm.who turns if this was a b4 or after pix she’s showing us.
This doesn’t inspire me. Does she mean that those that their belly refused to be like hers are lazy. Everyman speak for yourself
Good for her.
U r so right dear whatever makes u happy
What she said is indeed inspiring but l believe body differs.lf she succeeded she shd be grateful n not call those that can’t achieve that lazy
good for her
good for her sha
@ Oyibo, so true! This is purely God’s blessings, let’s give Him the glory. It has nothing to do with the poster. The transformation that most women undergo during and after pregnancy is purely out of their hands so no woman should take the glory for looking a certain way.
Good for her
Good for her as long as she’s not starving herself and her baby
She got a gud body…Nice1
Good for her
Lozzz, only God i should start praying to God too for a flat tommy
I guess she’s got good body and gene. Not every woman is that lucky.
Tess ooo so true…