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Mum Brands 16-Month-Old Baby’s Cheek Using Cigarette Lighter

Mum Brands 16-Month-Old Baby’s Cheek Using Cigarette Lighter

A cruel 25-year-old mum who allegedly pressed the hot end of a cigarette lighter into her 16-month-old baby’s cheek to brand her with a “smiley” mark has been sentenced to four years in prison.

She appeared emotionless in the dock at Leicester Crown Court as the judge sentenced her.

Speaking about the burn, the judge said: “There’s only one word for that: branding. You branded your own daughter’s face in an area that will be visible for the rest of her life. You branded your child in a deliberate and premeditated act. It was wicked.”

He added the fact the burn was clear meant she held her daughter “with some force”.

The judge added that he wasn’t sure if she set out to cause her daughter pain, but that she acted out of “curiosity and total indifference to the pain demonstrably being inflicted upon her.”

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Source: Mirror UK

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