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Guidelines to Better Sleep During Pregnancy

Guidelines to Better Sleep During Pregnancy

Pregnancy often brings on all sorts of sleep disturbances, including nausea, heartburn, leg cramps, and snoring. And bad sleeping habits from before you were pregnant may make these problems worse.

Here are some tips to help you get a better night’s sleep – in pregnancy and beyond.

1. Watch what and when you eat and drink

*Cut down on caffeine

Cut down on drinks and food that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate. Avoid them entirely in the afternoon and evening.

*Drink less in the late afternoon and evening

Drink more fluids early in the day and less in the evening. This helps reduce bathroom breaks in the middle of the night.

*Avoid heavy meals and spicy foods before bedtime

Spicy foods such as chili and acidic foods such as tomatoes can cause heartburn and indigestion. So can eating a big meal too close to bedtime.

If heartburn is a problem, eat lighter meals and eat them earlier. Give yourself two to three hours to digest your food before you head to bed.

*Snack before bedtime to discourage morning sickness

If you’re troubled by nausea, it may help to keep your stomach from becoming empty. Try nibbling on bland snacks such as crackers, especially before bedtime.

2. Learn how to relax

*Take naps

A 30- to 60-minute nap during the day makes you more alert, sharpens memory, and generally reduces feelings of fatigue. A study by the National Sleep Foundation found that more than half of pregnant women take at least one nap during the workweek, and 60 percent take at least one weekend nap.

Time your naps carefully, though. Napping too late in the day (or for too long) can interfere with your sleep at night.

*Don’t work out late in the day

Get your exercise early enough in the day to give your body time to wind down after a workout.

Working out too close to bedtime can rev you up and even rob you of deep sleep by interfering with your natural sleep cycle. Try to finish exercising at least three to four hours before you turn in for the night.

*Practice relaxation techniques

Learn about sleep-inducing techniques such as guided imagery, deep breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation.

*Don’t let your “worry list” worry you

Keeping paper and pen next to your bed may help relieve middle-of-the-night anxieties. When you wake up thinking about all the things you need to do the next day, write them down.

If writing down your thoughts makes you worry even more, finish making your list of questions, concerns, and things to do at least an hour before bedtime. Then try to put it out of your mind until morning.

*Join a community of pregnant mums / mums-to-be

If you’re anxious about labor and delivery, baby care, or breastfeeding, sign up for a class or join a community where you can express your worries and learn. Knowing what to expect can help put you at ease. You might benefit from the camaraderie of other pregnant women.

3. Practice good sleep “hygiene”

*Stick to a sleep schedule

Try to regulate your sleep/wake schedule by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day.

*Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine

Develop a soothing bedtime ritual – such as reading or taking a bath – for the 20 to 30 minutes before you turn in for the night.

See Also

*Make your bedroom a sleep sanctuary

You may feel warmer than usual when you’re pregnant, so keep your room on the cool side. Block out light and noise, too. They can wake you from a light sleep.

*Use your bed only for sleep and sex

If you’re in the habit of paying bills or watching television in bed, stop. Reserve your bed for other enjoyable activities like sleep, sex, and light reading.

*Sleep on your left side

Train yourself to sleep on your left side. This position helps blood and nutrients flow to your baby and uterus, and helps your body eliminate waste and fluids. Getting used to this position early in pregnancy will help you sleep better when your belly is bigger.

If you just can’t sleep…

Get out of bed

If you’re still awake after 20 or 30 minutes, get up and go into another room. Listen to soothing music or read a magazine. When you feel drowsy, go back to bed.

Don’t worry

If you wake up at night, don’t fret! Interrupted sleep during pregnancy is perfectly natural.

Embrace pillows.

Lie on your left side with your knees bent and put a pillow between your knees. Arrange other pillows under your belly and behind your back for extra comfort and support.

Regular pillows may work just fine for you, or try one of the many pillows that are made specifically for pregnant women.

Source: babycenter

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