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7 Signs That Your Nanny Maybe Evil

7 Signs That Your Nanny Maybe Evil

By Ineh Olisah

With the rise of scary and depressing reports pouring in from the media about vile acts initiated by evil nannies, it has become necessary for parents to look out for these red flags. Your assertions may be wrong, but in the end it’s better to be wrong than be sorry.

1. when for inexplainable reasons your child  has a dislike for his baby sitter or always cries and protests when he is carried. Do not ignore this red flag or keep a nanny your child has shown he is not comfortable with. You might regret it.

2. when your child’s nanny has a habit of telling you stories that do not add up. A baby sitter with something to hide is always ready to churn up stories aimed at covering up their tracks. They are shifty, cunning and can easily smooth talk themselves out of any situation.

3. when all of a sudden the number of accidents your child is involved in around your home becomes too frequent. This is a clear sign that your child is being abused or your nanny isn’t paying attention.

4.  when your nanny is constantly on her mobile phone.

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5. when your nanny has a habit of breaking your rules or doesn’t enforce them. A baby sitter who disregards your rules or requests after being clearly communicated is disrespectful and might have their own agendas.

6. when your gut feeling or intuition tells you that something isn’t right. This happens to me often. I may not be able to accurately pinpoint what is amiss but I have learnt never to ignore my intuition.

7. when your nanny has a habit of snooping or rifling through your personal belongings. Disregarding boundaries may spell doom.

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