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See How Woman Secured A Husband While 8 Months Pregnant With Ex’s Baby

See How Woman Secured A Husband While 8 Months Pregnant With Ex’s Baby

A newly married mum, Sarah Connors, 28, has shared how being bold enough to go on a date, while 8 months pregnant with her estranged ex’s baby, brought her new husband her way.

According to DailyMail, the Bristol student said she was facing the prospect of motherhood alone after breaking up with her ex-partner and discovering she was pregnant. However, two months before her due date, she set up a profile on a dating app and agreed to go on a date with shop assistant, Lance, only few weeks later.

They got engaged within five months of dating and made it official this year by walking down the aisle.

The baby Sarah was pregnant with then, Elodie, a girl, now two, served as the flower girl at their vintage-themed wedding held in February.

Recounting her experience, an excited Sarah said:

‘I assumed that no one would want to date me while I was pregnant, but I felt lonely seeing other couples with babies, so I joined the app to keep myself entertained more than anything else! I know there’s a taboo around dating during pregnancy but my family and friends were very supportive. If I hadn’t done it, I would never have met Lance.

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I kept my profile very casual and mentioned that I had a baby due in September and I hoped that didn’t faze anyone. I knew some people wouldn’t want anything to do with me, but I hoped others would be open-minded. Me and Lance started messaging on the app, then added each other on Facebook, and I could tell he was lovely. It was his idea to meet up and he didn’t seem freaked out that I was pregnant. We met at a pub to have a meal together and it was quite relaxed, although I think he was shocked when he saw the size of my bump. I was wearing a maxi dress and he said, “You are quite pregnant, aren’t you?” But he didn’t make a big deal out of it. We’ve been stuck together ever since. He worked nights so he’d come over and keep me company during the afternoons. He even stayed over with me before Elodie was born. He gave me and Elodie some room to get settled after the birth but when he started staying over again he was amazing, he’d even get up to see to her during the night. It never once felt like Elodie wasn’t his baby. We got engaged at the end of January and even though we’d only known each other for five months, it seemed so natural. I felt a bit self-conscious at first because Elodie wasn’t Lance’s baby, but my friends were so happy for me.

I often feel quite surprised to find myself in such a solid family unit. It all happened so quickly. My ex-boyfriend didn’t want much to do with the baby which I was fine with, but if he wants to meet his daughter in future he is welcome to get in touch. Elodie calls Lance ‘daddy’ but when she’s old enough we will explain things to her. Lance would also like to have a child of his own so we will probably try for a baby in a few years’ time.’

Lance said: ‘I had no doubts about Sarah being pregnant. I didn’t let this stand in the way as I really liked her looks and personality. I am glad I found the courage to ask for a first date and have no regrets.’

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