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Trying For A Baby to no Avail? Two Natural Fertility Drugs To The Rescue

Trying For A Baby to no Avail? Two Natural Fertility Drugs To The Rescue

After trying for a baby for several years, women, often the prime suspect of couples’ infertility issues in Africa, may become desperate, visiting several places in search of a solution. From spiritual healers to fetish shrines and others, on the long run, the problem often ends up even more complicated.

For one, most unorthodox treatments likely to be offered usually end up contributing to fallopian tube blockage, kidney damage, and, sometimes, tubal damage, among others. In other words, what is supposed to be the solution is, sometimes, a contributory factor to the infertility problem. This is why infertility issues must be tackled with caution.

To help couples achieve their desire of having children, fertility specialists have developed herbo-mineral preparations that have been tested and proven to help otherwise infertile women to become fertile by toning and preparing the endometrium (the membrane lining the uterus) for the best conception environment.

Men are not left out, as a gender-appropriate natural medicine has been developed to add value to the spermatozoa, thus boosting it in terms of quality and quantity.

There are some herbo-mineral formulations that have been deployed in the successful treatment of infertility for over 50 years. Two of such drugs are the M2-Tone for women; and Addyzoa for men. The herbal-based drugs regularise and strengthen factors of fertility in men and women respectively.

A study on M2-Tone published in the journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists, notes that, “M2-Tone improved the endometrial blood supply as assessed by latest imaging technique, 3D Color Doppler Ultrasound; and is known to improve pregnancy rate by up to 31 per cent. It harmonises hormones in women to ensure regular menstruation, normal ovulation (release of ovum at regular monthly intervals) and provides nourishment to endometrium for a healthy baby to grow.”

Addyzoa, which also comes in form of capsules, is a combination of potent herbs which regenerates cells, and enhances sex drive, among others. It is reputed to ensure the improvement of sperm production on all three parameters such as count, motility and morphology.

Recent clinical trials done at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, and published in Indian Journal of Urology, notes that Addyzoa capsules benefit men by improving  sperm motility, resulting in improved chances of conception by their female partners.

A nutritionist/psychologist who specialises in the natural approach to female hormone problems, Dr. Marilyn Glenville, argues that, “The natural approach to fertility is and has been enormously successful, largely because fertility is multi-factorial, meaning that there are many, many elements that can be at the root of fertility problems.”

Addyzoa and M2-Tone are marketed exclusively in Nigeria by Fidson Healthcare Plc, and they are available in all leading pharmacies all over the nation.

To learn more about Addyzoa and M2-Tone, click here and here.

For more information, please call 0816692724.

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