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Meet Lookalike Mum And Daughter Who Are Best Of Friends

Meet Lookalike Mum And Daughter Who Are Best Of Friends

Although at age 46, Sue Evans is double the age of her daughter Imani Evans, 23, they nevertheless are the spitting image of each other and are always questioned by passersby curious to know if they are sisters.
The mother and daughter duo deliberately go all out to look the same, they dress same and do everything together reports Daily Mail. Imani said:

‘We are the ultimate mother and daughter duo. MADD for short, which is quite apt!’
‘We’ve been mistaken for sisters so many times I’ve lost count,’ Sue continued, “I definitely take it as a compliment.’
Imani was pin her teens when she first noted the similarity between her and her mother.
‘I was at the age where I was choosing my own clothes, but it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted to choose what Mum wore too.
‘She’d recently got divorced and had lost her confidence. It broke my heart to see her like that. Mum used to be so glam, wearing amazing clothes covered in sequins or tassels, and I wanted to help her get back to that. So I helped her turn things around, by picking out trendy and sexy clothes for her and doing her hair and make-up.’

Sue continues saying,

‘I was going through a rough patch and wasn’t myself, but then Imani stepped in and I’m so glad she did. She helped me get back on track. Suddenly I was a stylish woman who felt half her age and happier than ever.’
That proved to be the turning point for the pair as they become inseparable, and daughter selects clothes for mum and herself every morning.
‘In the mornings I go into Mum’s room and tell her what she’ll be wearing. Then when I’ve got her ready, I’ll go and get dressed to look the same as her.
‘Our outfits have to either match or complement one another, so long as we look like our own little girl band then I’m happy.

Sue is happy to let fashionable Imani be the boss of what she wears, see photos of the fashionable pair below,


mum and daughter



Sue further adds, ‘Imani and I are very similar but she is definitely more like the mum in our relationship.
‘There are times when I don’t like the clothes she’s chosen, but as soon as I try them on I fall in love with them. She’s like my very own personal stylist – she knows me better than I know myself.’
Imani loves looking like her mum,
‘Mum is amazing, so why wouldn’t I want to look like her? We’re more like friends than mum and daughter.
‘We have such a close bond and love spending time together.
‘We do our hair the same, our nails and makeup the same, and aside from our looks, we have the same personalities too.’
Sue collaborates:

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‘We have the same sense of humour and laugh at all the same things.
‘When we’re not running our online fashion store together, we’re shopping, working out side-by-side in the gym, getting a 2-4-1 massage in the spa, or sitting next to each other watching our favourite TV shows – we like all the same ones of course.’

They branded themselves as MADD and Sue reveals the origin.

‘Imani and I often stay up until the early hours chatting, and it was during one of those nights when we got the idea.
‘We were lying in bed gossiping when Imani said, “You know, everyone says we’re mad and what we do is crazy, and mad stands for mother and daughter – so why don’t we call ourselves the Mother And Daughter Duo?”
‘And that was that. It just stuck. Now, when people ask us why we’re so alike, we simply tell them we’re MADD!
It is not surprising that people always stare at the amazing duo
Imani said:  ‘We always getting stopped by people. I can’t remember the last time we didn’t – and it explains why we’re always late!
‘They always ask us if we’re sisters and most people think it’s hilarious and good fun, though others think we’re downright weird.’

Having such a close bond with her mum has proved difficult for Imani who does not have a fiancé unlike Sue whose fiancé, Carlton, passed Imani’s grilling with flying colours.
Imani says of Carlton: ‘He’s like the third member of our gang and often asks what we’re going to wear each day. But he does struggle to get a look in – when I’m around, I don’t like to share Mum!
Sue added: ‘However Imani knows when to give us space and will always leave us to spend time alone when we need it!’
And when Imani meets The One, she already has plans for their big day. She wants to get married alongside her mum. In the meantime, when it comes to choosing between spending time with her mum and time with her friends, her mum wins hands down every time, she says,

‘Mum is older and wiser than me and her life experiences have stopped me making the same mistakes others my age have.
‘I’ve avoided teenage pregnancy, heartache and failure, and it’s all thanks to her. Everyone has a best friend – mine just so happens to be my mum. I wouldn’t change it for the world.

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