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SHOCKING: Meet Woman Born Without Womb, Cervix And Veejay

SHOCKING: Meet Woman Born Without Womb, Cervix And Veejay

A woman born without a womb, cervix and a vagina has revealed the heartbreaking story about her condition and how she will never be able to bear children .

27-year-old Joanna Giannouli, suffering from Rokitansky Syndrome was unaware about the condition until she went to see a doctor after she noticed she had not started her period like other girls of her age, Mirror reports.

Rokitansky Syndrome is a rare condition where a woman is born with an under-developed or no womb, cervix and upper vagina but have ovaries and external genitalia and still develop breasts and pubic hair.

There are 1 in 5,000 women that born without womb

When she was examined, medical report reveals that she didn’t have a vagina tunnel and was sent for major surgery when she was 17-year old.

Where Joanna resides in Athens, Greece, the operation to create a vagina was revolutionary but it left her in a lot of pain as the vagina tunnel was ‘narrow and small’ and she had to go back to have the entrance expanded.

Joanna claims that after that she was physically fine but emotionally she battled with the condition, particularly with ‘abusive’ comments from partners. She added that at one point, when she was due for marriage at age 21, her partner broke off the engagement as soon as he got to know about condition.

She said, “It steals your happiness, your mentality, your chances of having a good and stable relationship.

It leaves you with huge void that cannot be filled, it fills you with anger, guilt and shame” she claimed as she battled depression, anxiety, panic attack and struggled with a stable relationship for years after that.

She describes herself as feeling ‘worthless’ and like ‘damaged goods’

Joanna’s mother, believes she may have done something wrong in pregnancy to have caused her daughter’s condition.

She has explained to her mum that it’s a genetic condition and that she’s on being stigmatized in Greece because (she claims) the people are close-minded.

She said she is not ashamed anymore as she has realized there is nothing that can be done to change her condition, after 10 years on from her operation.

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According to her, for the last 5-years, she has been in a stable relationship and her partner, who is fully aware of her condition from the beginning and accepts they may never have children.

“I would love to be a mother in some way, be it a biological, a surrogate mother or a foster mum. A mother is not the one who gives birth but is the woman who cares for a child,” she added.

Consoling herself, Joanna says that she is living each day as it comes and not making any plans for the future.

The woman born without womb claims that by speaking out about her condition, it has given her strength and courage and she wants to help other women in the same position.




View Comments (12)
  • Since she can produce eggs, she can have her biological kids through surrogacy. There’s no condition that’s so huge for God cos He’s the one that created the condition in the first place, but the issue is that most of these Westerners don’t believe in God.

    • Sorry dear, God never created the condition. It came about as a result of our deviation from perfection through our first parents. They were made perfect but as a result of their rebelliousness they now became imperfect and passes along the attendant consequences which included but not limited to Rokitansky syndrome.

  • Hmmm, it’s well with her. Indeed a mother is not one who gives birth but one who takes care of her children.

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