Housewife Who Cut Off Stepson’s Genitals Tells Why She Did

A 17-year-old housewife who recently cut off her 23-day old stepson’s genitals with a kitchen knife in the Shiroro local government area of Niger State, has spilled the reason behind her heinous action.
According to Daily Trust, she said, “I decided to do that in retaliation to insults (I’ve been receiving) from his mother. She has been insulting me. Anytime I complained to our husband, he will not take action. That was the major reason I used our kitchen knife to cut off his penis.”
Her husband however said the baby’s mother, Basira, was not guilty of Bara’atu’s allegation, adding that she had in fact never reported Basira to him. He said, “I never heard them quarrelling, I never saw them fighting. My house is intact. There was no division. I treated them equally…She never showed any sign of madness. She is mentally okay.”
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The baby’s 21-year-old mum, Basira, also denied Bara’atu’s allegations. She said, “Ever since she was married and came to the house, I took her as my younger sister. That was why I allowed her to be close to my son. I didn’t know that she was planning to kill my son.”
A doctor at the IBB Specialist Hospital, Minna, where the baby boy, Buhari Muhammad, is currently hospitalized, Dr. Ibrahim Abdullahi, said his penis’ condition is beyond any repair or transplant, adding that they will however do all they can to ensure he survives and lives a normal life. The state government has also reportedly promised to foot his medical bills.
Muhammadu Dauda married Basira, the baby’s mum, seven years ago, and the baby is said to be their union’s first child. He married the baby’s stepmum, Bara’atu, who is now in prison custody pending the conclusion of investigations, only four months ago.
Photo credit: Daily Trust
Chai! Whatever is the cause of these kind of evil carried out on little harmless kids by so-called step moms?.. If only that father had stayed content with his first wife of 7years… polygamy is indeed a curse.
His mother insults you, and you decided to take it out on an innocent kid? That’s no excuse. She needs to be jailed and allowed to rot there mtschew.
She has no excuse whatsoever
Pure wickedness
Household enemy is dangerous
She is a witch. Gosh!
men shld stop marrying 2 wives cos dis causes a lot of problems in d homes.
Lord have mercy
Evil woman
He married underage children that can’t reason with their head. 1st wife was married at 14years and second wife 17years . all these re children that needed to b In d school to have good education. Its so painful d innocent baby got involved and now d victim. Child abuse should b eradicated. May God have mercy on baby buhari and restore his health quickly in Jesus name.
Very stupid reason to ruin another person’s life. Abeg let them keep her in prison before she wreck more havoc. The husband too should stop marrying underage girls.
That’s part of what you get when you marry a child that’s supposed to be under a mom and in school. What’s a 17 year old doing in a man’s house as a wife?
Underage marriage but then the act is evil
how will the child take this story when he grows up. part of or all the fathers penis should be cut to repair the child’s own. the father caused the problem in the first place
she might be possessed with legion of demons
This is pure madness
That’s wickedness she shud be punished