Dear MIMsters: I Was Diagnosed With PID, High Prolactin Level, Displaced Womb, But See My Testimony Today

I have been meaning to share this testimony but don’t know what has been holding me back.
A few months after my wedding, I gave birth to a stillborn baby. Meanwhile during the pregnancy, I had series of spiritual attacks. I dreamt of eating the leftovers of a dead person. In reality I threw up and purged the whole of that day. Worst of all, I was so weak to pray.
After I lost my baby, I became depressed and lost a great amount of weight. Since I had a C-Section, my husband and I decided to wait for a year before trying again. When the time came to try again, I prayed for my period to cease but it didn’t. Milk still dripped from my breast after one year and several medications but I never gave up.
I prayed every minute and sang songs of praise to God. I met a pastor recommended by a friend, who said I was possessed by a spirit husband and needed deliverance for without it I won’t be able to conceive (I wondered how I was able to conceive the first time with the said spirit husband).
Later, I was directed to a doctor who said my womb was out of its position, that I had PID and high prolactin level. He immediately placed us (husband and I ) on a five days antibiotic treatment, twice daily with injections, drugs and drips. He also placed something inside me to reposition my womb and advised to come back immediately I see my period that month so that he could give me drugs to boost my hormones and reduce my prolactin level.
Forgot to add that we had sex 2 days to the visitation and never had sex during the treatment. After the treatments, I impatiently wished for my period to show. Meanwhile, we still didn’t have sex because I traveled to see my mom. I waited for it on the expected date, it didn’t show. The next day, still nothing. I alerted my husband who thought the man had blocked the passage with what he inserted inside me.
I was so worried, after four days of waiting, I secretly took a home pregnancy test, and to the glory of God, it was positive. When I was expecting it to come, it ceased. What a Great God! My bundle of joy is 7 months now and in good shape. My reason for this post is to let other women waiting on His blessings to hold on tight and never lose hope. You case is nothing compared to what He does. Doctor’s report means nothing, just believe since He did it for Hannah and Sarah, He will do it for you.
Praise God! To Him alone be all the glory
Thank God for the testimony.
It can only be God
Thank. You Jesus!
Praise God! God bless you for sharing
Only God can do this! All Glory be unto God
Praise God for you my sister. He’s always faithful. I use you as a point of contact to all the women still TTC, may our God visit them and put a smile on their face and new dancing shoes on their feet and cause joy to abound in their lives and marriage. Thank you so much for sharing.