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Dear MIMsters: Could my Fiancé be Using His Mom as an Excuse not to Marry Me?

Dear MIMsters: Could my Fiancé be Using His Mom as an Excuse not to Marry Me?

In October 2014, I got pregnant for a man who became a fiancé I had been dating for close to a year. His initial response was the excuse that he wasn’t ready for a family and suggested I terminate the pregnancy. I refused. I told him to pretend I had aborted it and forget about me.

The next day, he came over to me full of regret for his actions and suggested we settle down. We concluded that he is to inform his family to come for the official introduction and have the wedding immediately after. But he came later to tell me that his mom and as a matter of fact, his whole family are not in support of us getting married due to tribal differences.

We went back and forth about the issue until finally in January 2015 there was a conclusion that the marriage was not going to be a reality. The excuse his mom gave was that it was against her Christian values to support a marriage with a pregnant woman.

I decided then not to marry this man because of his mom’s attitude and his failure to stand up for me at a time I needed him most. There was no intimacy or cordiality all through my pregnancy and even some months after delivery. He took responsibility financially and will usually call to find out how I am doing snd this hasn’t changed till now.

For 4 months after I delivered, we started getting along and he told me he wants us to settle down but his mom is still resisting with the reasom that I have been hostile to her. I tried talking to her about this and she started giving other excuses that my family took a huge amount of money as compensation from them (this compensation amount is paid to the family of a woman you got pregnant before marriage whether you intend to marry her after delivery or not). I must add that this man is the breadwinner of his family and I feel the woman is scared he may not support the family again after marriage which she is wrong about because I support this man a lot.

I am really worried about this because sometimes I feel he’s only using his mom as an excuse.
Please advise me!!

View Comments (5)
  • Forget him and forge ahead,the more you entertain him the more heart breaking negetive response you need denying the child his father expecially when his been assisting but don’t put your mind in the relationship anymore.make good friends and move on.

  • That man is not ready please. Allow him and move on with your life. A better man is coming your way soon.

  • Sit him down and have a serious talk. Let him tell u what he wants exactly. Does he rili love u nd wants to marry you. U too should think abt it, if u want to settle wit him nd ready to handle his mum’s wahala.

  • Must you settle down with someone because you got pregnant for him? Please pick up the pieces of your life and forge ahead.

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