Signs that Your Man is a Man-Child (Part 1)

Mark Wealth
In the words of Amanda Chatel, “in the simplest definition, a man child is an immature adult who just refuses to grow up.”. She would know because her husband is a man-child. She regrets the decision. I believe anyone would. If you don’t want to be caught in a knot with a man child where you’ll be wallowing in regret, get familiar with these signs that will help you spot one from a mile away.
He Is Disorganised
Or untidy. He may look dapper in his trendy fashion (usually jeans, sneakers and t-shirts) and spits that boyish smile that makes you melt in those innermost places but when you come into his personal space, it’s a whole different world. His car, if he has one, will usually be unwashed and the interior will be cluttered with CDs, bad phone chargers, empty/half empty pet bottles of water/soft drinks and all other sorts of oddities. His room is the same too. Don’t believe that story he’ll tell of how he has been super busy lately.
Where My Boys At?!
Yes because in his head, he’s still a “boy”, he refers to his full-grown-men friends as boys. And most of them may also be “man-children”. They live to hang out every other day at a particular joint where they drink beer and talk about girls, sex, cars, gadgets and movies. Or they just go to someone’s house and play computer games. He’s always with his “boys” doing what boys do.
All Plans, No Action
You know how kids have all these grand plans to save the world or make a great product, make a load of money off it and buy an island for loved ones? And of course, they cannot actualize it either because they lack the resources or because they have come up with yet another idea that’s even better than the first? Well, you would have to keep shaking your head or pinching yourself to be sure this man right here is not really a teenager with some kind of funny disease called immaturity.
Even when you’re involved, he will always come up with an excuse not to follow through. The only times plans come to fruition are probably those ones that are made after or because of a quarrel between you guys.
He’s Selfish
He only thinks about himself most of the time. He wants you to watch the movie he wants to watch but balks when you want to watch some romantic chick flick or the latest animation movie. He wants you to help him get off first and gets tired when you want some loving.
He wants you to dote on him like a child (I hear someone say, “we’re talking about a man “child”, aren’t we?). And when you tell him what you want, he makes it seem like he’s doing a world of favour for you. And this, despite his half-hearted effort. This guy is a phenomenon indeed.
To be continued....
Noted. Thanks.
thnx mim
Thanks MIM