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Dear MIMsters: This Relationship is Killing Me But I Can’t Seem to End it.

Dear MIMsters: This Relationship is Killing Me But I Can’t Seem to End it.

I am a 25 year old graduate, seeking for job. I have this boyfriend that I have been involved with for a year now. Although we didn’t break up officially, we just stopped talking to each other and it’s killing me because I really love him. This guy has done a lot of things to me but I find myself forgiving him again and again.

He first cheated on me and I caught him red handed, then he came to my house to seek for forgiveness. I guess I should have walked away then but I forgave him because I have a weakness for that. I forgive anyone easily and I hardly get angry, so he has taken me for granted over and over again.

There’s this woman that he loves to chat with. This woman even calls me knowing fully well we we’re dating. How insulting! But he claims there is nothing going on between the two of them. When this guy does something wrong, he apologises a lot but goes back to do the same thing again. I know that I am not perfect but O’m trying. I am submissive to this guy, my money, my love, care and body I submitted all to him. I have used my last cash just to satisfy him but he doesn’t appreciate me and has no respect for me. He shuts me up whenever we argue.

I held on to the relationship even when he stopped calling, I complained but he still didn’t change. We  are separated by distance and even when I travelled for 10 hours to see him, this guy didn’t even bother to fund my transport to and fro, claiming that he was broke. He is so bossy and domineering.  I though he could change but not anymore. Sometimes when I visit and I am about to leave, her will tell me to wash his towel, top, shorts and bedsheets that I used.

I am trying to get my mind off him but it’s hard. I have been meeting a lot of guys since but I can’t seem to open my heart to love someone else. I really want to leave this guy for good because he doesn’t bring out the best in me or encourage me in anyway, although he has his good sides. Right now, we are not on speaking terms becauses of an issue that cropped up. Please do not insult me, I need serious advice. Thank you.

View Comments (5)
  • My dear,you don’t owe any man submission except your husband and since he is obviously not a husband material please leave him before domestic violence sets might feel your time is going that you need to settle down,it’s best to do it with someone who respects advice is that you leave that hurtful human being,ask God for the grace to move on and be happy please.

  • there are a lot of woman out there going through the same problem. its always an irony that for some women the men they love the most treat them like shit. its always hard to walk away from such relationships especially when the lady is madly in love with the man. the advantage you have to dissolve this relationship is distance… he is at least 10 hours away from you, use this to your advantage. as you are not in speaking terms with him, leave it that way and let the communication die naturally. it is going to be hard but you need to be strong in mind and heart. gradually, you will overcome it. take it a day at a time. all the best

  • ask God for his grace, engage urself in sometime, dats if u re not workg wit time u will forget him. The right person dat will love, respect and cherish u will come.

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