Dear MIMsters: Divorce is not an Option for Me But I Have Come Up With Plan

My husband is hurting me badly with his cheating ways. Divorce is not an option for me as I have no where else to go. Where will I go with our three children? After working hard and slaving with my husband to get to where he is now, how will I start all over?
But here is my plan and please do not judge me.
Even if I leave with my kids, knowing who my husband is, I don’t think he will pay child support. This means I will be left alone to fend for the children all by myself.
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My kids already have very good lives as they have it all at their disposal: good international schools, holiday trips abroad during summer, access to expensive co-currical activities like piano, soccer, swimming, you name it.
If I leave my husband who cheats openly without remorse, how will I be able to pay for all these? I don’t want to take these luxuries away from my children without being able to provide same. So, I came up with a plan.
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Will be it OK to jazz my husband so he can have eyes only for me and forsake all other women? My friends are doing it and it seems to be working. I am afraid because I do not not know whether this will backfire. I’ve spoken to an aunt about it who took me to this ‘prophet’ she knows.
He gave me a certain keg of water to wash my private part with. I am into wash it into a bowl and then use the water to cook my hubby’s favourite meal. He said my husband will become all mine such that I will come back to thank him with a gift.
What is stopping me now is I don’t know if this will backfire and how it can backfire.
Of course it will backfire. Nothing good comes from the devil. If it backfires, the same divorce you are scared of now will be what will end up happening. My 2 cents, if you can’t cope anymore, then separate for a while and see if it will bring him back to his senses. Whatever you choose to do, leave jazz out of it.
i smell fire on d mountain
My dear, i believe u are a christian & jazzing ur hubby is not the way out. Whatever is of the world will ALWAYS backfire but All of what is of the Lord in heaven will NEVER backfire. Prayer is the key. God say we should not trust in man but him alone, him alone can change ur situation. Prayer and Patience will do. Dont follow what other people do, it could lead to your downfall.
Continue praying dear all s well
Hmmm. In as much as i understand ur plight, I will say a big NO to that plan of urs. One question for you, will u be proud to tell ur kids what u did to their father ur husband to make him focus on u when they face similar situation and come to you for advice?
My 2cents as a friend is for u to go to God in prayers cause when there’s a mouth to pray there’s definitely a God to answer. Though its not easy but with prayers n total submission to Jesus n his word, a way will surface cause b4 we even ask there’s an answer. Remain blessed!!!
I love u but God loves u most.
What are you thinking ., have you forgotten that all power belongs to God.and your marriage is a covenant between you , your hubby and God.what makes you think the devil has power over Gods covenant. Run to a strong church , winners will do, meet the pastor ,confess and ask for deliverance for dwelling with the devil.leave those unbelieving friends of yours, they will lead you to death. Pick up your bible , look for verses of God fighting for you. Decree and judge the demons seducing your hubby , send them back to wine give to your pastor,pray over it with him, to turn to the blood of Jesus. Use it to wash your private part , put some in ur hubby’s food, and decree what ever you want ur hubby to be. That is the greatest jazz. Take over your home by the blood of Jesus. Christ did not die in vain for you. Stand up and build your home.dont envy sinners ,like ur friends ,their end is destruction. Contact me via 0708 817 4556.will be praying for you.
Separation is still your best bet, what do you think the devil got to offer?
Pls dear poster I will advice u to see a movie called WAR OF ROOM by Tyler Perry it will help u change ur mentality