Heartbreaking! How Woman Lost Her Entire Set of Quintuplets in 24 Hours

Tragedy struck in Kenya as a woman who gave birth to extremely rare naturally-conceived quintuplets lost all five babies in 24 hours.
The sad news was shared by a hospital in the south west of the country.
According to a report by New Vision, the mother, Jacintah Akinyi, who did not know she was carrying five babies went into labour on Sunday and gave birth to two babies at home, who both died, before being transferred to the Kisii Teaching and Referral hospital.
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The hospital Nurse Manager, Florence Ogero disclosed that the third baby died that night, due to being underweight and suffering a condition caused by low levels of blood platelets.
“The other one had severe pneumonia and from all those birth-related complications, these babies have succumbed. It was a premature delivery and the mother did not attend antenatal clinic.
The multiple deliveries were diagnosed upon delivery so there was no anticipation. We have tried our level best because they were being taken care of by a competent team” she told AFP.
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Akinyi is already the mother of four children, and lost a fifth baby in an earlier pregnancy.
According to experts, there is a one in 60 million chance of a mother falling pregnant with five babies, without hormone treatment.
READ ALSO: Mum of Two Pregnant with 5 Babies Shares the Highs & Lows of Her Pregnancy
This is so painful!
Photo credit: AFP
Wow…after carrying pregnancy and delivering the babies??????
Awwwwwww this is too sad. I feel sorry for her.
damn sad