Do You Frequently Urinate At Night? This Is What It May Mean To Your Health

If you’re waking up at night to urinate, you may be experiencing a symptom called nocturia. Nocturia is a condition in which people wake up during the night because they need to urinate. This condition may be a sign of other health conditions.
According to a team of researchers in a new study presented at the 83rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society, frequent urination in the night (nocturia) may be linked to hypertension and high salt intake.
Nocturia, according to, may also be a sign of other health conditions, including bladder prolapse, a tumor of the bladder or prostate and other disorders affecting sphincter control. Common causes of frequent trips to the toilet at night also include high fluid intake, sleep disorders, and bladder obstruction.
Pregnant women and people with heart or liver failure and diabetes may also experience nocturia. The study author, Dr Satoshi Konno, stated that:
“Our study indicates that if you need to urinate in the night – called nocturia – you may have elevated blood pressure and/or excess fluid in your body.”
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The researchers enrolled 3,749 residents of the town of Watari who had undergone an annual health check in 2017 and gathered information about their blood pressure levels and nocturia using questionnaires.
The data showed that getting up in the night to urinate was associated with a 40 per cent greater chance of having high blood pressure, and the risk of hypertension rose significantly as the number of nocturia events per night increased.
Dr. Konno added that the results did not prove a causal relationship between nocturia and hypertension, and might not apply to people who lived outside Japan. Dr. Konno added:
“The relationship may be influenced by various factors including lifestyle, salt intake, ethnicity and genetic background”.
The conference’s press coordinator, Dr Mutsuo Harada, said early detection and management of hypertension was crucial to prevent heart disease. Harada said:
“It is important to research and understand the cause of nocturia in patients because this disorder can not only result from urinary organ problems; it may also be caused by diseases such as hypertension”.
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The President of the European Society of Cardiology, Barbara Casadei, noted that more than one billion people had high blood pressure, worldwide.
He said high blood pressure was the leading global cause of premature death, accounting for almost 10 million deaths in 2015. Casadei added:
“A healthy lifestyle is also advised, including salt restriction, alcohol moderation, healthy eating, regular exercise, weight control, and smoking cessation”.