Young Mom Shares Beautiful Love Story Of How She Met, Wooed And Married Her Uber Driver

A young woman identified as ‘Energy Vibration’ on Instagram has taken out time to celebrate her husband who added a year to his age. In her celebratory message to the celebrant, the super excited woman shared their beautiful love story of how she met her husband who was the Uber driver for a trip she requested with her friends in 2016.
According to the woman, she was the one that took the bold step to woo her husband. Two years and six months later, they tied the knot. Four months later, she discovered she was pregnant and now has a child together.
Read their interesting love story below as shared on Instagram…
*STORY TIME* It was a September evening in 2016 that I attended a Kanye West concert in DC with some friends. After the concert, we went to a local speakeasy to debrief our experience and catch up. After…several…cocktails , my homegirl calls an #Uber to take us to one of our fave late night spots in the city.
The Uber pulls up, she hops in the back with her friend at the time, so I hop in the front. A few minutes into the ride, I look over at the driver and…my.word., I was just…. So with my liquid courage SKRONGLY intact, your girl shoots.her.shot. I ask “ , ?” to which he responds, “no ma’am”.
Now as a city girl, I was like “no ma’am?!?” but that didn’t stop me from proceeding to ask “, ?!” ♀️ He flashes a handsome grin, laughing a bit at my audacity, we chat about music and such and he drops me and my friends off. Some areas of that convo are a bit blurry but I’d apparently given him my number before leaving.
A week later, he texts me and “Collus” appears on my phone. I had no idea who he was Soooo, I ask for a photo and when he sent it, I of course immediately remembered who he was.
Fast forward a year, we moved in together. Another year later, we were engaged. 6 months later, married, 4 months after that, pregnant and in a little over a week, we’re making a huge move for our family’s future.
Today, we celebrate the bEARTHday of the love of my life, the man of my intentions, my baby daddy and my very best friend ❣️✨.”