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24-Year-Old Polytechnic Student Detained By Ogun Police For Buying Contraceptive And Pregnancy Test Kit Speaks

24-Year-Old Polytechnic Student Detained By Ogun Police For Buying Contraceptive And Pregnancy Test Kit Speaks

Olanipekun Oladayo Irenimofe, a 24-year-old student of the Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, Ogun State, has narrated how she was arrested and put behind bars by men of the Ogun State Police Command for visiting a pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test kit and contraceptive.

Last week, Oladayo’s sister had taken to social media to raise alarm after she was “arrested”. She had tweeted:

“My sister, a student of Mapoly just got arrested for going to buy postpill and pregnancy strip. She’s at a police post in Abeokuta.”

In subsequent tweets, she revealed that her sister had been released, but that policemen went searching for her again. Olukoya later tweeted that police went to arrest the pharmacist who sold the products to her sister.

“Please help oooo, she just told me they’ve gone to arrest the pharmacist that sold them to her.”

However, the state police command PRO, DSP Abimbola Oyeyemi, said the police were doing their duties by questioning her on whether she had a doctor’s prescription or not.

“The command has released her since morning. She was questioned if she has a doctor’s prescription,”

he said.

However, in a recent interview with The PUNCH, Irenimofe confirmed that she was put behind bars for buying a pregnancy test kit and contraceptive from a pharmacy.

According to her, the officers asked her why she was already having sex at age 24 and couldn’t remain a virgin for her husband. Irenimofe said she was traumatized and scared as she was not particularly sure of what would be the outcome of the incident.

She narrated:

“My name is Olanipekun Oladayo Irenimofe. I am a student of MAPOLY (Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, Abeokuta, Ogun State). I recently finished my ND (National Diploma). I am 24 years old. I finished last year but I’m still writing my project in school. I want to be silent on my course of study.

I was arrested by them (police) for buying a pregnancy test kit and contraceptive. After buying the above-mentioned items I wanted to see a customer and a friend of mine; so, I had to pass by the station. That was when a policeman called me and asked about my profession and I answered that I am a student.

He began to check the polythene bag I was carrying and then found the items. He then asked me why I was with the items and I told him they were for me. They then asked me to go behind the counter and later I was put behind bars. They were just shouting why am I having sex; can’t I remain a virgin for my husband?

I didn’t say anything to them because I don’t understand! At (age) 24, is it illegal? Am I an underage person? If not for the Nigerian education system, should I still be in school?”

READ ALSO: Society for Family Health (SFH) Is Championing Access To Contraceptives For Adolescent Girls | Do You Approve?

Speaking further, Irenimofe said:

“I was traumatised. I was worried because they were threatening me. I became worried when I was asked to go behind bars.”

Irenimofe who said she spent about two hours behind bars said she was alone in the cell. Explaining her feelings, she said:

“I don’t even know how to put it because it was the first time I would experience something like that.”

She added that the officers never offered her an apology but rather behaved as if they were doing her a favor by releasing her. She also said that though she felt embarrassed for being harassed by the officers, however she has no plan of suing them. She noted:

“I’m not claiming any damages. My sister raised the alarm because she was scared. We are not trying to gain anything from this. I’m not supposed to be harassed.

I did nothing wrong, so I should not be treated like a criminal. My friends were very supportive, and if not for my sisters and my friends, yesterday (Friday) wouldn’t have been bearable for me.”

See Also

ALSO SEE: Teens Taking Oral Contraceptive At Increased Risk Of Depressive Symptoms- Research

Are your parents aware of the incident?

Yes, they are.

Do you live with them?


Where do they live?


Are in a relationship?

Yes, I have a boyfriend.

What is your view on pre-marital sex?

Everyone above 18 has a right to decide what he or she wants to do; it’s an individual decision. I don’t have any view.

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