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From Motherless To Motherhood: Be Inspired By How Rachel Osinaike’s Family Secret Gave Her The Courage To Bounce Back From Adversity

From Motherless To Motherhood: Be Inspired By How Rachel Osinaike’s Family Secret Gave Her The Courage To Bounce Back From Adversity

Rachel Osinaike, also known as Grateful Rachel is the author of “Bounce Back: Turning trials into Triumphs”.

In the book, she shared her life journey and the lessons she has learnt along the way. Rachel has gone through extremely difficult circumstances.

According to her, when she was only 8 years old, she discovered that the woman she called, “mum,” was actually, her grandmother. At 17, she finally reunited with the rest of her family, but her joy was short-lived as her father died 7 months after this happy reunion.

Her heart was broken, the loss and trauma from such a painful childhood made life unbearable. Determined not to give up, she moved on with her life studied to become a teacher, got married and had two wonderful sons.

After 19 years of working through a difficult marriage, it ended in a divorce but she did not let that stop her from moving forward. She struggled with her weight for many years during the course of her tumultuous marriage and after her divorce she decided to work on her fitness and overall well-being.

She writes:

“I remember being a size 20 during the marital challenges. I used food as comfort to manage the pain and the disappointment I felt, not knowing I was just damaging my health. I didn’t love myself and who I had become then. My self-esteem was zero.

This went on for few years until I finally woke up one day and decided I had to do something about my present situation as I despised what I looked like in the mirror. I made a decision right there to look out for myself instead of allowing my marital challenge break me completely. This is where my journey of self- love started.

I started by taking a short walk to the park and increased the distance gradually every day, which finally turned into running for weight loss. I changed my diet and stop eating for comfort. After a few weeks I noticed the weight was dropping off gradually which encouraged me to carry on.”

SEE ALSO: Actress And Mum, Uche Iwuji Opens Up On Her Pains And Triumph After The Crash To Her Marriage

Rachel dropped down from size 20 to size 12 and now runs marathons to raise funds for different organisations and charities. This was her choice for her own journey of well-being, a choice to live a life of significance.

She practices self-love daily by looking out for her well-being regardless of what life throws at her and she has used these lessons to become a better version of myself.

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Today, she is an accomplished woman and is living her best life, she is grateful, she is Grateful Rachel.

“My passion is to encourage, motivate and empower women to enjoy life and live a life of significance no matter what you are going through or what you have been through.”

In 2012 Rachel founded the Women Empowering Projects (WEP) because she wanted to create a safe space of respite for women where they offload their burdens.

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Her passion for women’s empowerment has developed over the years; she is known to be a source of strength and support to women who face varying challenges in their lives.

She has successfully organised various events to bring like-minded women together to encourage and support them at different levels.

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