mother-daughter relationship

Dear MIMsters: Should I Apologize To My Mum?

Should I apologize to my mum? I am married with a child. Sometimes in late…

Dear MIMsters: How Do I Handle My Mum Who Is Contravening All The Principles and Values She Once Taught Me

How do I handle this situation with my mum who is contravening to the principles…

Dear MIMsters: Is My Mother Punishing Me For Being The First Child Or What?

Is my mother punishing me for being the first child or what? I don’t really…

Dear MIMsters: How My Mother Has Succeeded In Destroying My Confidence In Her

My mother and I have had some issues in the past about privacy and it…

Dear MIMsters: My mother and I do not have a normal relationship and it’s nothing spiritual

RE: On the story of the lady whose mother resented her while growing up and…