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Lazy Mum, Bad Parenting: Woman Lives On Welfare Encourages Pregnant Daughter To Do Same

Lazy Mum, Bad Parenting: Woman Lives On Welfare Encourages Pregnant Daughter To Do Same

A 36-year-old mum who has lived off tax-payers money and has never worked has now encouraged her nineteen-year-old daughter to do tread in the same path.

According to the Mail UK,

Mother-of-two Sinead Clarkson, 36, has been claiming benefits for the last 20 years and currently receives £1,200 a month in state handouts. Ms Clarkson, from Rochdale, Greater Manchester, has now admitted she encouraged her 19-year-old daughter Melissa to have a baby so she can do the same.

She claimed: ‘I am better off on benefits. I refuse to work for a pittance and struggle.’

But her outspoken defence of life on benefits was condemned both by a psychologist and by the TaxPayers’ Alliance.

Ms Clarkson said she was delighted when her oldest daughter Melissa fell pregnant six months ago as she will get an extra £400 a month when her baby is born in July.  Melissa will also receive keys to a two-bedroom council house. Ms Clarkson’s younger daughter Amie, 12, is also showing signs of wanting to follow in her sister’s footsteps and have a child.

Ms Clarkson said: ‘I don’t have any qualifications so it is easier to claim money than persuade an employer to give me a job. I told Melissa to work the system and have a baby so she could claim more benefits, get a house of her own and have a better life. I don’t want her to work for peanuts in a low-pay job.’

Ms Clarkson claims living on benefits brings a stress-free life. She said: ‘Being on benefits suits me. I don’t have the stress of working like some of my friends.  I spend a lot of time cooking and cleaning, or I will watch TV or have friends round.’

While Ms Clarkson acknowledges taxpayers may be angered by her comments, she insists it is the benefit system at fault for making it more financially worthwhile not to work. She adds: ‘I know people will be angry with my choices, but they should not judge.  It is the system’s fault that I can choose not to work.  What is the point of having a job if I can’t earn much more than I get now? People decide to have babies so they can get benefits because this country allows it. It is not OUR fault.’

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Ms Clarkson says that if her 12-year-old daughter Amie also decides to take the same approach to life she would support her.  ‘She talks about having a baby, too, but she is still in school and hopefully will get some qualifications,’ she said.  ‘If she did decide to go down the same route as Melissa, I would support her.’ 


Work is honorable and helps you realize your full potential but this lazy mum thinks otherwise.

Source: Daily Mail UK 

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