Unresponsive Bobbi Kristina’s Fate May Be Decided By Judge

The two families of Bobbi Kristina, her grandmother, Cissy and her dad, Bobby have not been able to reach an agreement on what to do about her condition if it gets any worse.
According to TMZ; Cissy Houston is now sharing the controls with Bobby Brown on what to do with Bobbi Kristina … and it appears a rift may be brewing, because Cissy now strongly indicates she does not want to use heroic measure to save her granddaughter.
As TMZ reported … a judge made Bobby and Cissy co-guardians a few days ago, which gives them joint responsibility for Bobbi Kristina’s care. As we first reported, Bobbi Kristina is suffering from irreversible brain damage and the prospects of getting better are slim to none, barring a miracle.
Pat says she and Bobby are working as a family to make the right decisions, but there seems to be a clear division. Pat told “Entertainment Tonight,” “She’s not gone yet, but you know, whatever the Lord decides, I’m ready for her … I have nothing to do with that. That’s His job.”
Bobby, on the other hand, has made it clear he will do whatever it takes to keep his daughter alive, including using heroic measures if she begins to slip away. Pat is strongly indicating she is not inclined to use such measures.
If Bobbi Kristina’s condition begins to deteriorate and if Cissy and Bobby can’t reach an agreement, it will probably be left in the hands of a judge to decide the fate of Whitney Houston’s daughter.
The 2 families have been largely at odds since Bobbi Kristina entered the hospital
Source: http://www.tmz.com
Lord take control and let your will be done. The suffering is just too much. For how long will they keep her like that? Lord have mercy
Hmmnnn!!!this is serious
God have your way,have mercy on her and renew her.
Hmmmm may God help her
God help her oooo
Hmmmmmmmm I still pray she pulls through. Amen.
Wat a pity.Well guy
Lord may ur will be done.
At d end of d day only God’s will is going 2 be done
It’s a sad dilemma
God will perform miracle in her life
This is so sad.
I just wish a miracle will happen
Not cool
God have mercy and restore her soul
The Lord will prove Himself, my prayers are with Bobby Kriss, she’s going to pull through.
Oh dear. Lord let your will be done