9 Interesting Things You Didn’t Know About Babies

You already know babies cry, poo, make faces and can drink only milk in the first few months of their lives. Well, there are a number of amazing things you don’t know about your little one and may never know if you don’t read this now. Check them out.
1. Babies are quite good judges of character
Though babies are renowned for imitating the expressions of those around them, from around their first birthdays, they stop imitating those they deem ‘untrustworthy’ based on previous interactions with them.
2. Babies’ eyes are 75% of their adult size at birth
Don’t worry if your baby has such massive eyeballs, compared to their head and other facial features. A baby’s eyes are 75% of their adult size already at birth. As they get older, however, more proportion is attained.
3. Newborns are nearsighted
Newborn babies have extremely nearsighted vision, therefore, they can only see people and objects at their clearest when they are within 8 – 12 inches away. This however improves significantly by the time they hit the 6-month mark.
READ ALSO: 7 Wonderful Things Your Baby In Your Womb Is Doing
4. Babies double their birth weight in the first 5 months
Just imagine doubling your current size in 5 months – the mere thought is quite scary for adults but babies become double their birth weight during their first five months of life, thanks to all that milk and sleep.
5. Babies are born with more bones than adults
While adults have 206 bones, babies are born with close to 300 which later drops to the regular adult’s 206. The extra bones fuse as baby gets older to accommodate necessary development.
For instance, the cranium bone which encloses the brain is divided into three at birth to enable baby’s head’s easier passage through the birth canal. It subsequently fuses to become one plate to create better protection for the brain.
READ ALSO: 6 Interesting Facts You Probably Never Knew About Your Baby’s Brain
6. Babies are born without bony kneecaps
In place of bony kneecaps as in adults, babies are born with a kneecap made of cartilage. The actual kneecap develops through a process called ossification (transition to bone), completed between age 3 – 6 years.
7. Baby boys get erections
Like grown men, it’s not uncommon for baby boys to get an erection, especially during diaper changes. They get these erections while in the womb too.
8. Newborns do not shed tears
Though newborns often cry a whole lot to register varieties of upsets and needs, all that noise comes without tears flowing as their tear ducts isn’t developed enough to ensure this until they’re between one and three months old. In the meantime, their tear ducts and glands produce just enough tears to lubricate and protect their eyes.
Some babies however start to produce little teardrops from 3 weeks old.
9. The soft spot on a baby’s head may pulsate
This soft spot, called the fontanelle, which allows baby to manoeuver out of the birth canal, may pulsate because it’s directly over blood vessels covering the brain.
Photo credit: Pinterest
5 and 6 is surprising to me. Thanks MIM for enlightening me.
thanx mim
Thanks for the information….now I know
My children’s fontanelle didn’t pulsate. I was worried till I was told all was well
Ok… some are new to me.. Thanks MIM.