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6 Weird Pregnancy Symptoms You Just Might Experience

6 Weird Pregnancy Symptoms You Just Might Experience

Pregnancy comes with its fair dose of weird symptoms. That’s just what comes with the package. Some doctors might not tell you about them, because they may probably not be big health concerns, but all the same, it’s good to be well informed.

See some of these weird symptoms below:

  • Coloured Discharge

During pregnancy, a yellowish or creamy thick discharge can appear frequently during pregnancy. As a result, one might need to change underwear more frequently. If this discharge however comes with a foul odor or blood, please inform your doctor immediately, chances are you might have an infection.

Cause: Increased hormones and vaginal blood flow.

Solution: Wear panty-liners or disposable pants. Don’t douche or use any vaginal wash. It might increase your chances of an infection by upsetting the vagina’s natural acidity status.

  • Excess gas/Farting

A lot of pregnant woman are subjected to bloating during this period. Sometimes painful cramping in the belly, and the urge to fart are also symptoms that one might have.

Cause: This is caused by the excess production of the pregnancy hormone, Progesterone, making the intestines work slower than usual, leading to a build up of gas and slower digestion.

Solution: Avoid foods that might make you constipated. Eat foods that aid digestion with a lot of fiber, vegetables, fruits. Try drinking hot/warm water also to ease the cramping in the belly and reduce constipation.

  • Congested nose

It may feel like you have a constant cold and you have to perpetually blow your nose

Cause: Your increased hormones and blood production cause mucous membranes to swell, dry and bleed.

Solution: Drink plenty of liquids and stay hydrated. If a nosebleed occurs, don’t tilt your head back. Keep your head straight and pinch the nostrils closed until the bleeding stops, put ice over the bridge of your nose and pinch it again, if necessary. If the bleeding persists, call your doctor.

  • Excess sweating

Lets blame it on the increase in weight. As a result you may find yourself sweating everywhere during pregnancy. Between the thighs, under the arms, on the buttocks, under the breasts, on your nose and sometimes on the baby bump.

Cause: There is extra blood pumping through your body, especially for the baby. This warms the skin. Sweating is your body’s way of staying cool.

See Also

Solution: Drink plenty of water, and use underarm antiperspirants and talc-free powder liberally where necessary. Avoid heat-inducing fabrics, dress decently but wear light fabric as much as you can.

  • Voice change

If the sound of one’s voice has changed, maybe a few octaves lower or higher, don’t worry; you’re just experiencing another weird pregnancy symptom. You might even notice changes in your singing voice and range.

Cause: Your voice has changed due to hormones. The changes in estrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy can cause swelling in your vocal cords, which can cause you to sound different when speaking or singing.

Solution: Your voice should go back to normal after Baby arrives, but it may take a few months. If you’re a singer or use your voice professionally, talk to your doctor if it is causing problems. You may need a referral to a specialist who can help.

  • You leak pee when you laugh

Notice that sometimes when you laugh you pee, thinking about all the pressure on your bladder from your swollen uterus. There really is no major cause for this one, other than you need to drink a lot of fluid daily, your womb is getting bigger and is sitting on your bladder. The best thing that one can do is to pee as often as possible to prevent leakages. Wear pads if necessary.


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