Dear MIMsters: How Can I Forgive My Mummy?

My mummy is wicked and heartless.
She had me out of wedlock and after many years got married to another man who was a teacher. That was when my suffering started. When she was about to give birth to her triplet boys, she sent someone to bring me down to live with her hubby. Then, I was just six years old.
To cut the whole story short, she started maltreating me and would beat me with a stick for any slight mistake and I would run for my dear life. I would sleep outside for days without food nor water in tears. If I refused to run to avoid sleeping outside that means, I would be left with wounds all over my body and a swollen face.
Her husband on the other hands, was abusing me sexually, though I refused to give him my virginity but gave him my anus so that I could continue my education. These continued until I finished my secondary school.
One day, my step father told my mother to allow him sleep with me so as to check if I’m still a virgin or not. My mummy agreed. I refused totally that day and I ended up sleeping outside for one week without food or water.
When I finally got a job and was paid my first salary, I gave it to them as my first fruit. Now, my step-dad is late and I am married with kids but don’t know how to forgive my mother. My husband has been of great help to my mum, yet I don’t know how to forgive my mother because I am still hurting. She respects and cares for her children more than me even till tomorrow.
Last year, when I was pregnant, my children and I travelled home to stay with her for days. I fell ill but she didn’t even allow me to eat until around 4 p.m. My kids and I fed on snacks. She’s done so many things ro hurt me my husband has no knowledge of. How can I forgive her?
forgive her anyway
forgive her anyway
If you forgive her, you will be free from the hurt and pains you feel. I know that feeling of not being able to forgive someone but all it does is hurt you even more. Please find it in your heart to forgive her but keep her at arms length.
Please forgive her. It’s very hard and painful but God will help you. Help her in every way you can but keep your children and yourself far from her.
You need closure and to move on too. So forgive her and move on. This is crazy though.
Please forgive her and be at peace, render any assistance you can but distance from her