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5 Signs Your Are Pregnant

5 Signs Your Are Pregnant

Some people just know and can tell when a woman is pregnant! That being said, here are 5 things that might give your pregnancy secret away:

1: You Become Emotional

Pregnancy hormones make some women feel overly emotional, especially during the first trimester. Call it the emotional roller coaster of pregnancy, everything speaks to you on a whole other level. Good news mama, it’s your hormones, and they’re probably going to give you away.

2: A “Sick” day

Legendary morning sickness, it strikes at any time of the day, not just in the morning. This is probably the most common symptom that gives pregnancy away. Having to run to a toilet to throw up every five minutes is a fine way to expose your supposedly-secret pregnancy to the world. Throwing up may be a sign of a very different illness, but it is commonly associated with pregnancy, you’re all of a sudden intolerable to a lot of smells and food.

3: A Phone Full Of Pregnancy Apps

These days, thanks to the magic of technology, we can monitor pregnancies through apps!  They tell you when your baby is approximately a specific size at a particular month, what symptoms you can expect and more. Some even help time contractions. Once you start having them on your phone, you’re giving your ‘secret” away. Even if you’re one of those people whose phones are off limits, you may never know who is spying on you when texting, chatting or just going through your phone.

4: Your Boobs

See Also

 As your breasts prepare for breastfeeding right from the very start of pregnancy, people might notice the fact that you’ve gone up a few bra sizes. This is just one of the many changes that are obvious, fortunately you can’t hide your girls.

5:  Stroking Your Belly

Once you know there’s a baby cooking, it’s pretty hard to resist the urge to start stroking that belly of yours, even if its flat!. Call it motherly instinct or nature pulling at your hearts strings, once a woman is pregnant, this is one habit that she quickly develops, and is easily noticed by others.

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