Dear MIMsters: Is My Decision About My Husband a Sensible One?

I’m in my early 30s and hubby in his early 40s. We’ve been legally married with four kids. I just need sensible advice on how to handle my husband.
He has been cheating on me since we got married. I dated him for one year before we got married but it was a long distant relationship. We only met twice before our wedding.
Since I got married to him, he has been cheating with different women, both married and unmarried. Each time I catch him, he remorsefully apologises but no soon after will he continue with another.
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The last time I caught him was last year August and with a married woman. I reported him to our pastor and some family members after which he sincerely apologised and promised never to repeat itself.
On Sunday, I went through his phone and saw different chats with different ladies on his Facebook messenger. He collected their numbers and saved it on his second phone. I noticed that he always deletes their chats after every conversation.
I called him and told him about my findings. He denied it at first but when I showed him some evidence, he then told me that they are just Facebook friends and that he has not seen them physically before. I asked what he was doing with their numbers and why does he deletes their chats if they were harmless.
He had nothing else to say but just kept begging me. Then I told him that there will be no more flesh to flesh sex unless he wears a condom. Told him that I can’t afford to contact any infection from him.
I am completely tired of him and his ways. I have given it a lot of thought and I am considering a separation. I have told him my mind and I still think I need to separate from him until he is serious and makes up his mind to change.
I want to know: am I going too far asking for a separation? I have also tried to press the ignore button but he couldn’t withstand it and started loosing weight. I felt so sorry for him and accepted him back. Now, he has started again.
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I need matured and well though out advice on how if going for a separation would be the right thing to do considering my situation.
Please separate from him for a while. He is an unrepentant cheat.
What about giving you a disease that you cannot find a cure for?
Hmmmmm…….. Separation (not divorce I suppose right) might not be the best answer for you my dear. Im of the opinion that it will give him the chance to cheat more comfortably. He will now bring them home. My sister, do u still want your husband and your home together? If so then I’d suggest you stay at home but use the protect as you’ve said.
I have a strong feeling that his attitude might be as a result of demonic attack. He might have been doing this for a long time prior to meeting you but as it stands, its now your cross.
If you both are christians, then I’d suggest he needs deliverance. You might also need it cos there might even be a covenant in your family preventing you from having a settled home. Deliverance session often exposes the wickedness behind. And pray for him and your marriage.
God bless you
a separation is good
Madam, you cannot continue in a relationship that has no trust. It is clear he has lost your trust from his actions and that means you can never give him 109% love. Of what usee is it it wasting your time getting old bearing someone that doesn’t want to change . move on